ECLAIRE databases links
Last updated 28th October 2013
You will need to request individual database log-in usernames from the database links below
Click this link for the ECLAIRE CEH database:
For field measurements, manipulated site measurements, plot scale modelling code and output, laboratory experiment results (graphs, functional relationships, etc) and mined data sets
This is currently being uploaded. Some data are available for WP1, WP10 and WP11.
WP9 Access database (click here)
The main focus of the literature-based data mining activity WP9 was to acquire response functions for the first stage improvement in model parameterisation being used in C3 and C4 modelling. The work focusses on the effects of ozone, alone and in combination with other pollutants and environmental stressors, on leafscale, season-long dynamics and ecosystem processes, particularly those associated with stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and carbon allocation.
Click this link for specific CEH database help:
Click this link for the ECLAIRE JRC database:
For spatial datasets, data and metadata associated with European scale modelling.